Become a certified Sex, Love & Relationship coach and build a business you love!



Become a certified Sex, Love & Relationship coach and build a business you love!

My greatest passion lies in sharing my 20+ years of wisdom to inspire and support the next generation of leaders and experts to say YES to their destiny and become…

  • An embodiment of sensual wholeness
  • A voice of natural integration and unconditional love
  • A champion of healthy, evolved, and intimate relationships.

The VITA™ Sex, Love & Relationship Coaching Certification is a 1-year (600-hour) program certifying you in becoming a Sex, Love & Relationship Coach

As part of our high-level group of dedicated practitioners, you will embark on a transformative journey that allows you to…

Live a life of purpose, passion, and impact where you get to turn yourself (and the world) on to more love, more luscious sensuality, and more intimately connected, healthy relationships.

You’ll also be empowered to create your own coaching career where you can:

  • Design your own schedule and do the training in a way that suits your needs
  • Learn from virtually anywhere in the world
  • Be your own boss
  • Feel confident charging what you are worth and earning five-figures a month
  • Feel absolutely supported by an awesome community network of like-minded individuals
  • Own your healing abilities and offer your unique coaching superpowers to your clients

This is a systematic coaching sequence that gives you the clarity and structure to solve any issue for your clients.

Backed by modern science and empowered by ancient wisdom, you learn to work with the primal brain and the deep subconscious, which allows you to actually resolve the issues that keep your clients from having the relationships and love that they desire and deserve.

The modules allow you to support your clients in removing the deep conditioning and limiting experiences that cause them suffering. At the same time, you’ll be empowering them to choose the kinds of experiences, thoughts, and emotions that allow them to thrive.

This is a systematic coaching sequence that gives you the clarity and structure to solve any issue for your clients.

Backed by modern science and empowered by ancient wisdom, you learn to work with the primal brain and the deep subconscious, which allows you to actually resolve the issues that keep your clients from having the relationships and love that they desire and deserve.

The modules allow you to support your clients in removing the deep conditioning and limiting experiences that cause them suffering. At the same time, you’ll be empowering them to choose the kinds of experiences, thoughts, and emotions that allow them to thrive.

Download the Syllabus to learn about the 10 Core Coaching Modules of the VITA™ System and everything that is included in the certification.

Download the Syllabus to learn about the 10 Core Coaching Modules of the VITA™ System and everything that is included in the certification.

The application period for the VITA™ Sex, Love & Relationship Coaching Certification program only opens once a year, and the whole cohort of those accepted into the program starts together in January.

It is absolutely essential to me that this program offers the most in-depth training available as you learn how to become a sex, love and relationship coach.

It is imperative that you use the skills and the tools over and over again until you are confident and masterful when using them with clients.

In my experience, you need time to become a masterful coach. Sure, there are coaching certifications that you can get in just a few months with one or two calls a week… but what kind of education is that?

If you want to charge premium prices and run a successful brand, you must dedicate yourself to comprehensive training.

That’s why this certification is 600 hours spread over a year. Because I want you to be successful, confident, and fully equipped in your skills as a coach.

Here is exactly what you’ll get during our 600 hours of in-depth professional training (with both recorded video and live calls) to teach you how to become a love and relationship coach and develop your new career:

  • 4-month transformational journey where you radically shift your relationship with your sexuality, body, and soul and embody the work you’ll teach
  • An optional live 1-week embodiment retreat in an epic paradise
  • 6 months of mastering my core transformational coaching methods that allow you to rapidly solve any issue for your client
  • 20 coaching practicums with peers and special professional development seminars to develop your coaching skills to excellence
  • 2 months of high-level business training and development to support you in building your brand and reaching clients and
  • claiming your niche
  • virtual live business training with intensive workshopping and live feedback on your business plan

And also includes:

And also includes:

  • An online suite of learning materials including weekly videos, exercise worksheets, and guided audio practices to match different learning styles
  • Live weekly workshops, teachings, and Q+A with me and the VITA™ Coaching faculty for additional guidance and support
  • Peer support pods with weekly calls to keep you accountable and to remember you’re not alone on this journey
  • Inclusivity training and support groups for Black, Indigenous, and Womxn of Color, LGBTQ+, Moms, and Women 45+ to connect, explore, and empower each other in this work

Success stories from past graduates of the VITA™ Love & Relationship Coaching Certification program:

“I’ve been through multiple life coaching certifications and this is the first one I’ve felt so prepared to transform my clients…and it’s happening!”
– Audra Baker, USA

“The level of holding and care that Layla offers is what really allowed me to arrive in myself & to trust myself in a completely different way.”
– Palomi Sheth, USA

“It was one of the best investments I’ve ever made in my life and in my business.”
— Lauren Joyce, USA, Love & Relationship Coach

“This gave me the full embodiment of ‘I am woman, making money, and I love it’ It’s sassy, outrageous and radical! It’s something to totally celebrate.”
 – Emily Kuser, Bali, Yoga Teacher & Business Owner

“If anyone wants to feel like a coach deep down in their core and feel like they can hold transformative space, they need to join this program.”
– Joyce Oladipo, UK/Nigeria, Sensuality and Relationship Coach

“My clients were like WOW…this is what I want…instead of just talk therapy it’s like immediately transformation through these tools.”
 — Kirsti Kuosmanen, Finland, Psychotherapist


Ready to become a certified Sex, Love & Relationship coach and build a business you love?